air_humidity air_temperature ammonia atmospheric_pressure carbon_dioxide carbon_monoxide combustible_gases ethyl_alcohol hydrogen hydrogen_sulfide level_of_dust light_level magnetic_field noise_level google twitter facebook angle-down

GreenVaro (Patent Pending. Application No. 15/088,658) is a comprehensive hardware and software system designed for complex environmental monitoring applications. It provides capabilities for collection and analysis of various environmental parameters, allowing for the results to be displayed on a smartphone and for the data to be transmitted to a server for further processing and monitoring.

GreenVaro differs from all known environmental monitoring solutions as it allows extensible integrated environmental monitoring of up to 14 parameters simultaneously. Moreover, the number of these parameters can be increased with additional sensors.

Since the system is an end-to-end hardware and software solution allowing data transmission via Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, it opens a variety of possible usage opportunities, including outdoor and indoor installations (e.g. in homes, restaurants, manufacturing facilities, etc.). Full access to the information can be provided through a mobile phone application or the system’s website.

Technical Specifications

Size Width – 4.7 inches (120 mm)
Depth – 3.5 inches (90 mm)
Weight – 15 ounces (425 g)
Detectors Air Humidity
Air Temperature
Ammonia (NH3)
Atmospheric Pressure
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
Combustible Gases (LPG)
Dust Levels
Ethyl Alcohol
Hydrogen (H2)
Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S)
Light Levels
Magnetic Field
Noise Levels
Interfaces Built-in Power Supply
Bluetooth 4.0
802.11ac Wi-Fi

GreenVaro mobile application will allow you to connect to the server via 3G/4G Internet or Wi-Fi in order to provide full access to the expert data analysis system and tips and recommendations for improving environmental conditions in specific situations or according to the concentration of certain substances in the air.

Mobile Application for iPhone / Android

  • Regular updates of environmental measurements

  • Measurements History Management via data transmission with the server

  • User Alert feature when one of the parameters goes above or below the accepted range

  • Display of the analytical information from the expert system and recommendations for environmental conditions improvements

  • Management and configuration of the system and sensors

  • Initialization of communication with the device with a special QR code (found on the actual device). The QR code contains a unique number of the device’s Bluetooth adapter (or another unique number). This number is used to ensure that the software only works with this specific device. Also at this stage, the user profile can be created on the system’s website.

  • Interaction with smart watches based on iOS and Android (to be implemented in the future)